Monday, July 28, 2008

Whew... That Was Close

I almost had a serious blog withdrawal, not just from not writing, but from not reading anyone else's blog for about a five to six day period. What that means for me? I'm not exactly sure (is there such a thing as a blog addiction - think about it), except I did think many times over the last week "wow, this would be great to blog about" and yet, there was either:

A. No Time
B. No Internet connection (or one that was available for the bargain price of 9.99 for 12 hours)
C. No motivation to type because I was too tired to move my fingers, let alone get up & press the power button...blah blah.. you get the point.

To sum up my last week I have one word. Insane.

There are a couple of things contributing to the insanity. The first is traveling for work, which always takes things up a notch (being away from husband, living out of a suitcase, trying to fit in workouts around scheduled work deals). The second has definitely been the preparation process of getting our house ready to be put on the market.. talk about a pain in the ass. I mean, honestly, the amount of work I'm actually doing is about 2% compared to the 90% Kyle is doing and the 8% his mother is doing (she actually came down to our house and worked all weekend WHILE WE WEREN'T EVEN HERE! - can you say, Saint). Either way, this is a process like I have not yet experienced, and I think I might not ever want to move again. The list of things that HAVE to be done before we take the final pictures and put it up on the market is dwindling, and I am very, very, very, very thankful for that (mostly because I feel my husband might actually start becoming a human again, who talks, and I see once in awhile, and when I do see he isn't running around frothing at the mouth talking about what he needs to work on next or constantly going to Home Depot). I do wish I could help more, but considering this word, that I say sometimes.. rhymes with.. Tironman (ok, so nothing rhymes with Ironman), I just can't really.

He really is doing an amazing job, and I wish our house was like this the whole time that we have actually lived here! It's like an oxymoron. We go to sell, let's make the house nice. It reminds me of using those seat covers in your car, why are you using them, no one ever even sees your real seats!! I guess you know in your heart they are nice and untouched under there. I say SCREW the seat covers, this is life here people, don't be afraid, and LIVE IT seat cover free. Spill stuff everywhere, that's what I do as I'm flying down the road at 60 miles an hour trying to eat two power bars, drink gatorade and put on makeup before work!

Anyway, the quick version is, Philly was fun, we had a great party, and I got all of my training in. Actually was a really good girl, going to bed every night and getting my sleep! I know borrrr-innng! I came back on Thursday and took the race wheels in to get some magic worked on them at Big Bang Bike Shops where I am proud to say I will receive two new tubular tires this week! Yippee! Just in time for Steelhead Half Iron this weekend. Thank you Big Bang!! You're the best!

I trained hard on Saturday, well, not hard, but lllloooonnggg.. Let's just say, I started at 7am, finished at 3:30pm and was so hungry, I cried. That's right... I said I cried. I feel it's better just to state the facts. Like, this is some support group "Hi, I'm Kim, and I'm an Ironman trainer who get's emotional from lack of sugar/carbs." You're going to get one of two things when I'm hungry- mean & nasty Kim, or sad & I can't do this anymore Kim. So, I guess it was the second this weekend. Luckily, I had a nice talk with a person much more sane than I was at that point to sit me down and demand I immediately eat a pound or so of pasta and drink some milk while eating a brownie. I devoured the whole thing without even realizing what happened. Eight hours of training will do that to you I guess! It's all new to me!

After a drive to Clarion for Kyle's grandfathers Birthday party that night, and then two sports nutrition talks that I gave to the high school athletes at Clarion University's cross country camp on Sunday, I was back to the house Sunday night. The girls (and a few boys) were wonderful and they seemed to really get something from the talk (all questions were answered correctly!). I even met one girl who wants to go to Penn State, major in nutrition and try to walk-on t the cross-country team. I think she might be my clone just 7 years later!

That should get everyone up to speed on the latest happenings. I am missing all kinds of fun stories from this week, but don't worry, there will be plenty more where those came from! I've read at least the last few of my favorite blogs and I feel much, much better... That really was close, I almost needed blog CPR or something. Don't worry, I've given myself a good talking too with the theme...Let's not let it happen again.

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