There was a little three mile run (which I was late for due to my ability to find the place despite having full GPS! Yep, I'm directionally challenged x 100), appetisers, wine, athletic apparel and good friends. Heidi and Jocelyn were kind enough to wait for me as I arrived a bit late for the run and we ran on our own while chatting it up. I didn't even realize three miles had passed and we were all done! We scored some free swag (running hat, running light) and looked at amazing clothes while getting to see other athletes in the area. It was a chicks only night at it's finest and it was soooo fun. Here are some pictures from that event!
There was ONE gentleman there serving the wine, and he talked all of us into trying a very sweet white that was good, but I ended up going with the Riesling. Which I thought was a wise choice.
Heidi and Jocelyn happy girls now that they have their wine and munchies.
My Newtons found some friends too. They wanted to bring them home but I said no dice. Not this time anyway!
Who knows what this is.. some sort of tortellini torture device, but it was interesting (and the pasta was good, one at a time!)
Heidi showing off some new sky blue Newtons. Did you know they have new Winter newtons now with smaller holes in the front of the foot so a bunch of snow and water doesn't go in (which has honestly been a problem for me. I live in PA not San Diego here people). They were silver.. so cute!
The three of us hanging out athletic style
On Saturday night things just got better. It was Chad's 30th Birthday on Sunday so we went out to Yokoso in the waterfront. It's a hibatch grill that also serves sushi and other great food. We had a big group of triathletes in the area so there was much talk of bikes, races, goggles and other important matters.
Matt and his wife couldn't make it so they were kind enough to send champagne (which was so sweet and I love champagne so that was a big plus!). Thanks guys!
The cook made the fire volcano out of onions which is a long time favorite. I mean who doesn't love that...always a crowd pleaser!
Jeremy showed that compression sock wear wasn't just for the course as he demonstrated the correct way to wear them under your clothing at dinner. Thanks Jeremy, you're always great at keeping us abreast the latest in recovery tactics.
Once the dinner was over it was time for shuffleboard at Dave and Busters. However, being the triathletes we are, it wasn't good enough to just face off....no way man. There had to be a winning team which of course required a bracket... Oh no you diii-ent...
I showed everyone that the new titanium plate wasn't just for looks. Well, ok.. I got my behind whipped up and down let's be honest. Jocelyn and I found ourselves talking a forgetting to shoot most of the time.. sorry boys!
I did a two hour spin on Saturday and then on Sunday I ran outside in the freezing rain at North Park for an hour. I proceeded to get much sicker on Sunday so I finally went to the doctor today (since I am off from work.. thank you MLK day!) and got some antibiotics. It was time. This sinus thing just wasn't going to get better on its own.
Ok.. well...back to working on my many projects. I pretty much live a Panera now due to the free wifi and endless hot chocolate. I feel they should just set up a table for me here and serve me drinks on regularly scheduled intervals...but that's just me.
I hope everyone else had a great weekend too and thank you again for your comments on my collarbone news from the doctor last week. You all just warmed my heart and made me feel so much better about it. I truly cannot thank you enough for your kind words on the blog, facebook etc. You're amazing and I'm blessed to have you in my life...
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