Monday, February 20, 2017

Fuel Your Passion Video Updates

Happy February!  I'm trying out some new ideas to share with viewers and those interested in health and nutrition!  On my Fuel Your Passion Facebook page, I've been sharing a few little snippets of life, tips, tricks and other good stuff when I have a moment!  Most videos are less than 2 minutes, give you some insight into my training, nutrition or some ideas you can incorporate into your own life to be healthier, happier and more productive!

Make sure you like the Fuel Your Passion facebook page so you'll have first access!  Below you'll find three of the videos.  One of my rules is that you only get one take, so you had better do a good job!  It keeps me from spending time obsessing about editing or making sure my makeup looks perfect (oh wait, I'm not wearing any in any of the videos).  You get the point!  I want them to be off-the-cuff, real, sincere and useful.  Those are my main draw for taking the time to do it!  I also expect to get better with getting to my point faster as time goes on!  They might be 30 seconds by the time this is over!

What would you like to see me share in video form?   What would be useful to you and your peeps?  Let me know your ideas and I'll take those that fit well and incorporate those topics!

Thanks for reading (and now for watching!).

In health,

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