Until now...
When it's finally time!! I'm getting a new bike!! Yippeee!!!!
My com padres at Top Gear (the best bike shop in the world, no the universe) and I have been working on getting things together for more than a month now.. a month that has been killing me!! Welcome Trek Speed Concept!!
Finally, we did my second fitting, and it seems like it is actually going to work, so I'm excited to share the news!
Of course, the problem is I have unusually long femurs. So, naturally I had to ask today (while in my work dress, with bike shorts underneath - don't worry Mom - those are NOT my underware) "Does this bike make my femurs look long??" Garvin, my good friend and mechanic was not amused!! He is having a heck of a time with it!! I blame my parents. What the heck, I didn't have anything to do with it!
Now.. for the naming process. Much like a child, I just can't think of naming him/her until we get out and spend a little time together. I need to know the personality here. However, I am open to suggestion - so, other than the Green Speed Machine.. any other thoughts?? That's too long anyway.
As you can see.. my brand spankin new Adermo Betty Designs saddle has been carefully crafted and placed on my bike - Thanks Kristen - your designs are amazing and I love them!! I have to say, coming from basically my lazy boy seat that weighed about ten pounds, this is going to take some getting used to.. aka.. my junk better toughen up.. fast.
It's so cute I just have to use it though, so until then I'll just have to suffer! Garvin wouldn't even let my old seat get near this bike! He said no way!
Needless to say, I'm excited. It's going to take some getting used to, as it's different, but I'm hoping to ride it for Eagleman 70.3 in about three weeks. We'll see how fast I can make the transition. If I can't then it will be on for Placid.
Hope everyone is having a great week - help me name this bike!
kim - im looking at the trek speed concepts as well!!! the green speed machine is hot! congrats on the new bff!
how about the incredible hulk or the jolly green giant ;)
Love the bike. Love the saddle. Now you need to sign up for IMTX with Heidi and I :)
How about Greeney? You know...if you want to stick with the color names. :)
Everything about the bike and you is perfect!! Lookin' good!!!
I am so Jealous of your saddle!! I just bought a white adamo for my Bike..Shoot!! Love the Trek!! How about Kermit?!!LOL!
Love the bike. Love the saddle. I have the same bike/saddle. The saddle takes some time to get used to. The sitbones stay sore for a while, but everything else down there is sooo much better off! No pinching or chafing. I haven't used chamois creme or body glide on the crotch since I got the adamo.
Kim, I was so close to getting a Speed Concept in May but am waiting to do more research and make sure that the smallest frame size will actually fit me. Green is a great color and bonds so many of us in the blog world, i.e. James and Charisa
Awesome! Love it! How fun.
My bike doesn't have a name. But she does me good without one so I'm not changing a thing. :)
Mean Green! I'm biased towards that name since I'm a University of North Texas Mean Green Alum.
wow! congrats!! BEAUTIFUL bike and I'm in love with the betty seat. hang in there transitioning to the adamo. the second ride is the absolute worst but after a few weeks it gets so much better and you will love it! congrats!
Very cool bike! I was wondering why you were wearing a dress for your fit, now I know.
Sweet! A new ride with a killer seat! It can't get any better than that. I can't offer up any names because like you I think the name comes after spending time on the bike. My bike names have just all come to me that way!
Thats a sweet ride Kim! I just got fit by Retul on my new Felt B-14, so exciting! Now for the naming, my suggestion is "Absolem" the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. He always reaked of confidence, had a nack for improving things, and making people taller (yes with longer femars). Not only that, caterpillars do turn into beautiful butterflies. Ride safe and good luck.
wow those bikes are sexy! i love love love it :) i think i have bike envy right now... what is ol blue going to think lol? i like green machine but i think you need some bonding time first!
Great bike Kim! I just got fit by Retul on my new Felt B-14 also with an Adamo seat (you do get used to it, and runs are so much better off the bike). Now for the naming, I suggest "Absolum," the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. He always reaked of confidence and had a nack for improving things and making people taller (yes with larger femars). Ride safe and good luck on your season.
Kermit? Doesn't sound speedy, I know, but if you wanted to go for irony.
These name ideas are awesome - plus you guys are just awesome for being excited for me - thanks, thanks and thanks again! Also good to know about the saddle.. seems like the general thought is that it will take getting used to, but then it will be fine!!
You will love that saddle, at least i do! And HOTT bike nearly as cute as my Scott Contessa, haha ok i am kidding i like your's more bc its more green and less white. White is a PAIN to keep clean!!:)
Four Leaf Clover?:)
It is beautiful!!!!
I've been calling my bike " The punisher" ever since I first got it, and boy, does it deserve it's name ! It's made out of a 25 years old colnago master X light frame plus some various pieces put together to create this old school ride. Trust me, the weight of a steel frame is what's makes it so hard on you. I like this kind 'get serious' feel it gives.
For your ride, what about "the green flash", sort of a reference to the sailor legend ?
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