Friday, August 29, 2008

I Love You Iron Case

Thank you for my Iron Case! I love it and I am so excited about it! You're amazing!!

I think Ironman, the training, and maybe even the day (from what I have seen on video!), has a way of bringing out the best in people. Both the best in ourselves and the best in others. There is something about other friends, family etc. knowing that you are training for something that is bigger, and of more magnitude, than you have ever done before. Thus, they have a way of supporting you like you've never experienced previously.

People close to me knew this was my dream going into St. Croix. They knew that when I started training back in November of 2007, why I was on the trainer indoors for countless Saturdays, why I started training with a masters group even though I was scared crazy, why I even wrote a note on my phone on January 1st at 9am - St. Croix May 08 or bust, that I had a goal for that race. None of us knew if I would reach it or not, but I certainly was going to put it all out there and see what happened. We're athletes after all, and that's what we do.

The countless texts and emails that came in that day were amazing. Kyle's mother was actually the person who let me know I had won my age group as she saw the results online before I even was aware of what happened! It was good news!

Thus began the support that has carried me thus far. People have begun to rally, and they are rallying in such an awesome way. I feel it in my heart, building, carrying me through this training. It has been everything from emails to check on my training and how I am "making it", to pep talks, to just plain all out seeing a need, and filling it without even giving it a second thought.

There are two special people that have done that.. and you know who you are so there is no need to write it here. I can't say thank you enough to both of them, and I am sure they will not be the last to do some amazing stuff to help me make this dream of mine come true and share in it right there with me as I cross the finish line (god-willing). Thank you!! I can't say thank you enough.
It really is the thought that counts...and the way people have been thinking of me lately, well, it practically brings tears to my eyes. It takes a community to raise and Ironwomen. I appreciate you being part of that community. I couldn't do it without you!

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