Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm A Little Slow...

Not mentally (although some may disagree with this statement at times, especially when I haven't eaten like I am supposed to), just at writing lately.

I had a busy weekend last weekend and a busier week this week. I traveled to the Steel City on Monday to attend a food show, Tuesday I flew out to Philly to an appointment with Philly School District, and flew back in the same day, and then Wednesday I worked in the office in Pittsburgh as well to meet with Mr. Harris. Finally, I am back in the office today and will be off tomorrow so am PSYCHED for a three day weekend.

Do you believe in magic by the way? What about the power of dreams? Well, I certainly do and some happened last week at Oceanside. What a great race! I enjoyed watching my fellow triathlon bloggers have amazing races and achieve greatness. Of course, the highlight for me was watching Marit have the most wonderful comeback race I think she could hope to ever have and then out of the blue coming away with a Kona Slot. Ok, so it wasn't out of the blue, she trained her butt off and put all the pieces together with a great attitude to make it happen.

It made me remember this little box I have sitting on my desk. The dream box. At the top of Mt. Palomar there is a little store with gift items and other trinkets. Marit was so adamant when we got up there that I pick out a stone or something of significance to remember my trip and our epic ride. I settled on a green smooth stone that was so beautiful and one of the other days I caught her trying to buy a little something without me looking too closely while we were in the store. Little did I know I was about to get a creative amazing gift called The Dream Box with my green stone inside. I can't swear by the legend, but I do know how powerful dreams can be. How they change us, how they move us. Focusing in on a dream and thinking about why we are out there each day braving the winds on the bike, or running through the sleet and slush of winter snow as much as 6 months before our actual race requires us having a dream, something to work towards, something to motivate us to stay with it.

I was lucky enough to see a great friend achieve a dream this past weekend and this year will be a year of first for her that I am so excited about. First Ironman and first Kona. Way to dream Marit. I'm so happy to have been part of your journey!

Training this week has been tough, but I am desperately trying to get it all in! Today I biked my 1:45 min trainer ride and then tonight it's swimming (3000) and running (50 min tempo) on the docket.

This weekend we will be going to the Banff Mountain Film Festival and I am SOOOO excited about that as well. On Friday and Saturday nights they show independent films from all over the world that won a competition in order to be included in the event. The films are everything from adventure to wildlife to just plain crazy! They travel the country so be sure to find out if they are coming to your town and check it out.

Here is a link to the trailer on youtube. It will surprise and amaze you and you'll wonder where the last two hours have gone when you leave the theater! That is for sure!

Have a great weekend of training and R & R everyone! Happy Easter!

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