Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Week of Thank You's

I've been making this thank you list for ages. It's time to get it done! So, I have officially entitled this week - the week of thank you's. I'm going to pack boxes, send cards and just generally tell the people in my life who have been doing extraordinary things without a thought of what they might receive in return "you're amazing..thank you so much for who you are and what you do for me etc. etc" I realize I couldn't begin to thank most of them enough, but it's worth a try so we'll see how it goes this week. Watch your mail people, there could be something in there by the end of this week! You may or may not know who you are!!

Here I am working the food show last week in Army green "boot camp" attire. If you look closely my shirt says a very appropriately "drop and give me 20!"

In celebration style (the bar exam is over..yipppee!) Liss and I attended a party called "summer showdown" with a live band and lots of food. It was a blast.

They even made their own grape-juice pong table. How clever?! Those boy's love their antioxidants!

Someone got really excited about us taking this picture of Lissa! Rock it!
We decided we would move on from that party about 8pm and go have dinner at a cute place in Shadyside! It was a little garden theme outside. So much fun. Thanks for coming this weekend Lissa. I had a blast and needed it! Oh yeah..and I biked a little and ran a little too. Nothing crazy though. This week, I'm getting back on the horse..or the bike..or in the pool..or whatever. You know what I mean Coach!!
A shout out to my friend and fellow triathlete Heidi who just had a super fantastic comback race at the North Park Triathlon on Sunday! This little sprint draws some pretty fast ladies and she really had a fun day out there swimming, biking and running her way to 5th place overall female! Great job Heidi! You did it!! I'm SOOOO proud of you!

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